Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010
COUNT FIVE - Yardbird Copy? [clipping]
A Yardbird Copy? Listen, You Fucked-Out Piece Of Cheese...
Some good reading from a 1966 Billboard issue on one of the top garage bands ever. The cheese-thing is by henry miller, so don't flame me.

Great Haunting Garage Downer
Shhhh... This a preview on STRANGE WORLDS#5 (again, a moody one), so don't tell. Glorious, pretty psych-y lament. Gorgeous harmonies meet ace songwriting and, talk about a gloomy mood! This has not been reissued before, and i have no idea why. Since MTA is obviously a NY label distributing mainly CA bands, those guys are either from NY or from CA. (More on MTA on chris' fab Garage Hangover website!) Listen for those cool weird guitar interplays and the guitar player switching back into surfy garage-band-mode during the refrain and bridge. Probably early/mid 1966.
►►Check out the Garage Hangover feature HERE.(note: pic taken from chris' fab website, since my scanner screwed up. will be replaced soon)

DAVE, STAN & ROBIN - Day Tripper (Startime)

Fuzzed Instro Beatles Bash Chug-A-Lug
Beatles, eh? Yessir, and a cool slab of it, you can be sure! You probably have heard the flip, "Get Off My Cloud" on STRANGE WORLDS#3 (this is a plug) and are now craving for the flip. Here it is, done in exactly the same vein: piano (yes, for chrissakes, get over it) dominated rock'n roll mover with the chorus shouted out by a bunch of partying kids. No idea where this record came from or it there are similar releases on the label. Partytime with Startime. Dig the mouldy label! The Billboard issue from Feb 5th 1966 predicts this disc to be a top 100 thing.
THE PANICKS - Work (Dupree)
Pounding Teenage Blast-Off-O-Rama Expressing "Work Sucks!"
Fine, Sonics-inflected boom from Akron, OH, 1966. They had a later 45 on Dupree ("You're My Baby"). This yet uncomped cut is pretty basic, but shifts into high gear as we go along. Raunchy riffing and screaming make up for the tame production. And, as pointed out before, this reminds me a bit of Northwest combos. Listen for that whammy-bar guitar stop fills, like from some kind of raunch/ strip-instro. Great stuff. Obviously those guys had a different name before, because the "Panicks" monicker is glued over the original one.

►►►Buckeye Beat has a cool feature on the group. Read it HERE.
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