Dienstag, 23. März 2010
MEMORIES - Mercy, Mercy (K.O. Recording Studios )
Great Rough & Crude Gutter-Rock
Appleton, WI's Rolling Stones are going to please you a lot. They are doing their best to emulate Mick'n Keith and the rest of the gang, but they don't ape them. They're lacking playing abilities... in a GOOD way, that is. "Girl, if you put mah down..." Listen for the cavemanish drumming, sounding even more primitive than Beach Boys drum novice Dennis Wilson. Great! Like he's glued to his toms! Can't get away from thrashing them. I gotta say this song is one of my all-time faves& I can't have enough versions of it. This ranks very high in my personal "Mercy, Mercy" top 10. From 1966. K.O. Recording Studios outta Kaukauna. Flip ("That's How Strong My Love Is") is equally great& will be found on a future STRANGE WORLDS comp.

WAYWARD FIVE - Good Times (W-5)
Great Punky Garage Beat Mayhem
A Michigan combo that waxed two 45rpm's in 1966 and 1967, the first being on the fab Lee label (Satisfactions, Marauders, Cyclones,... "Can't Get Enough Of Your Lovin'" comped on Wyld Sydes#2), the second one seems to be a self released thing. They got a hip cover of Tail Feather on the topside but the flip is cooler. They are believed to be from the Midland/ Mt. Pleasant area (c.f. 'Music Makers From Mid-Michigan'). Anyhow, check out this cool blaster!

Montag, 15. März 2010
CHAVELLES - I Give Up (I-Say)
Cool And Tight Garage Rocker
Scarce rocker outta Nowheresville, USA (possibly Colorado, though the guy i bought this from says Carolina). Tight production suggests a later release date, possibly 1967? Pretty sure that it was released at the very end of the garage explosion. You can already feel a certain "funky" vibe coming through, but the disc is still on the good side.

Mittwoch, 3. März 2010
CREATURES INC. - Stop Your Sobbin' (Jet Set)
Fabulous Garage Beat With A Healthy Dash Of "Invasion Sound"
Great piece that strangely has never been comped. Oxon Hill, Maryland combo that delivers the goods. Flip has been on FLAYKES and HIGHS but check out the topside, a slightly pissed-off rant to a hang-up girl. Great jangly guitar works and a quite punchy production make this cool disc something well worth having. A 1965 release. Also dig the fab label design, complete with an ace font for the band monicker.

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